Retirement Planning is much too important to be left to chance

Retirement Planning is much too important to be left to chance

Worrying statistics have come to light in a recent survey amongst those with more than £250,000 saved for retirement. Only 36% used a professional financial adviser to create a retirement plan for their future.

Without a well-thought out plan, many people heading into their later years could find their finances coming under increasing pressure. With life expectancy continuing to rise and the cost of care increasing year on year, it’s important to ensure there will be sufficient income available to provide a financially-secure retirement for years to come.

Research from the Financial Conduct Authority shows that many pensioners simply opt for the annuity offered to them by their provider, without realising that they are within their rights to shop around amongst other companies and compare deals. Whilst staying with your existing provider might well represent a reasonable deal for your financial circumstances, taking advice could reveal alternative options better suited to your needs; and the potential for an increased income.

Retirement planning is much too important to be left to chance. Taking professional advice is an important step in helping to ensure you enjoy a comfortable retirement.

Retirement Planning

(1) Franklin Templeton, 2016

(2) Financial Conduct Authority, Retirement Income Market Study, 2015

As one of the leading IFA practices in Greater Manchester, Logic Wealth Planning has a team of experienced Financial Advisors specialising in Wealth Management. Working closely with clients in the Heywood, Rochdale, Bury and surrounding areas across the North West, we believe that however modest your income may be, when it comes to Pensions, Savings and Investments  we provide the best financial advice, ensuring that your money is working hard for you and allowing you to enjoy a comfortable lifestyle right through to and including your Retirement years. For your first meeting with us – entirely free and without obligation – please call us now on 0808 1234 321. We look forward to hearing from you.